Medical Breast Thermography Fri, 03 May 2024 04:55:09 -0400 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb my doctor is fully supportive of thermography

My doctor is fully supportive of thermography

Years ago I heard about breast thermography but was reluctant to do it because my doctor did not approve of it. I have fibrocystic breast disease and I’m being screened with mammography every 6 months. I decided to give thermography a try and have never regretted it since. Thermography provides me with an early warning system that I use it to monitor my breast health. There is no radiation or painful compression of my breasts and it gives me information that no other test can. I get my annual exams with thermography now.
I do not need to radiate my breasts every 6 months any more and my doctor is fully supportive of thermography now.

Mary Andrioni
Woodbridge, ON ]]> (Alex Mostovoy) Featured Testimonials Sun, 20 May 2012 03:39:29 -0400
Proactive about breast health

Women who are proactive about their health to do it!

I never heard of breast thermography until my friend mentioned it to me. I was very skeptical but decided to do it anyway. What an incredible experience. No radiation or squishing of my breast and everything they told me was right on the mark. I’m so grateful to my friend who recommended this to me. I advise all women who are proactive about their health to do it.

Bonnie Reynolds
Toronto, ON

]]> (Alex Mostovoy) Featured Testimonials Fri, 27 Apr 2012 03:39:00 -0400